Friday, October 26, 2012

Walkin in a Winter Wonderland :)

IT SNOWED! And is still snowing. I feel like it has been snowing almost nonstop since last Friday. As you can tell, I am pretty excited about it. Snow just makes everything look so bright and pretty, it is so quiet and refreshing, and it makes me want to break out the Christmas music---I may have already listened to a few Sinatra tunes.

So last Wednesday as I described in an earlier post, we had Belgium Night! It was delicious, Leonard prepared a broth the night before, and put in chicken, leeks, and carrots in, it was perfect for a cozy night. Also I travelled to ICA that night to discover a package from Tiffany and Jared! It was a wonderful surprise.

Thursday, October 18, I was lucky enough to be able to Skype Grandma and Grandpa Christianson! And not only lucky enough to see them, but Aunt Judy, cousin Jennifer, Hallie and Ethan. It was a pleasant surprise and we had lively conversation. After our skypecall, Brittney left their place to go pick up Grandma Doerr, brought her to her house, and I got to Skype her! It was so very nice being able to see family, lifted my spirits.

we were pretty excited.
 Friday night, my friend Bill invited Ashley and I over for tacos! We went over and met a couple more Americans, Cam and Jessica, a nice Russian girl, Natalie and Felix from Germany and the Canadians, Jana and Holly joined us as well! Bill had even invited one of his professors over! It was a very relaxing, fun night. While enjoying ourselves we looked out the window and realized it started snowing! It was such a nice sight to see, I got very excited :)

first snowfall, on friday :)
Saturday night, I joined my girls Karolina, Ashley, and Holly and we made espresso cookies :) They were so delicious. I also got to watch the Cobber Mens soccer game against St.Olaf that night.

Monday, the 22 of course involved the usual waffles at noon, groceries, and watching Once Upon A Time during the evening. Tuesday, I took a personal day and had waffles at noon, again. Wednesday, guess what I did at noon?! Waffles :) Sorry, but they are so good and I am going to enjoy them while I can. When I went in on Thursday, I made sure to pack a lunch, four days in a row would have been too much. Always wonderful catching up with Ashley, Rudi, and other friends. On Tuesday, Ashley's boyfriend David came to Tromsø! That was very exciting for her, we hope to go out sometime this weekend.
miss you.

On Wednesday, the 24 we remembered Grandpa Doerr who had passed away a year ago from then. It was bittersweet thinking of the memories, but reassuring knowing that we have the best guardian angel guiding us now. I wish I could have given my family hugs that day. Rest in peace Grandpa, I miss you.

The snow has kept on falling, and fall is officially over but I am not complaining :) I am anxious to take more pictures but I'll show you what I have for now. I hope that things are wonderful back home, and I miss you all very much. 48 days, uffda :)

Saturday Morning 20                                     Friday Morning 26

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